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    Alain Berthet

    Attorney at law


    Founding partner of Promark, Alain has a master’s degree in Law and a post-graduate degree in IP Law from Panthéon Paris University. As a lawyer registered at the Paris bar, he has been advising businesses and designers for more than 30 years in the intellectual property field.

    Reputed strategist in trademarks protection worldwide, Alain excels in « sensitive » negotiations and in IP related contracts.

    He regularly carries out portfolios audits of IP rights as well as trademark evaluation, in particular.

    Outside the law? Alain loves walking in the countryside with his dogs and is the spokesperson of an association that promotes the protection of the environment.

    Alain Berthet gathers rave reviews from all corners of the market. “His sound commercial advice and knowledge of EU trademark law have made him a go-to counsel in France. Practical in his approach to enforcement matters and an expert in devising successful protection strategies, he provides an excellent service. Smart, pragmatic and reliable, he is not the cheapest option – but you really do get what you pay for.”

    “Alain Berthet, founder of PROMARK, has undertaken strategic trademark protection for three decades and has a particular facility for sensitive negotiations and IP-related contracts.”

    According to WTR1000 (editions 2020 and 2021)

    Areas of expertise

    Advises and litigates before French and EU courts in the field of:

    • Trademarks, designs and commercial names
    • Internet and domain names
    • Unfair competition and passing off actions
    • Copyright and advertising matters
    • Consumption right and foodstuff labeling
    • Contracts


    • French
    • English







    • “Protéger ses marques en France et à l'étranger” (Protect your trademarks in France and abroad)

      Agir en connaissance de cause, Lamy/Les Echos – 2001, 200-pages book, illustrated with more than 400 decisions, examples or practical cases.


    • “Enregistrer une marque tridimensionnelle : une mission impossible ?” (Registering a three-dimensional mark: an impossible mission?)

      Village de la Justice, April 27, 2020.

    • “World Trademark Review Yearbook, 2020/2021: Global Guide for practitioners”

      co-writing and annual updating of the chapter dedicated to trademark law and domain names in France, by Alain Berthet, Bénédicte Devevey, Aline Mugard, Yolande Himely.

    • “La CJUE tranche la question du beurre, de la crème et du lait pour les produits d’origine végétale” (The CJEU decides on the question of butter, cream and milk for plant products)

      Le Monde du Droit, July 4, 2017.

    • “La marque tridimensionnelle : mythe ou réalité?” (Three-dimensional trademark: myth or reality?)

      co-written with Elisabeth Berthet, Propriétés Intellectuelles No. 61, October 2016.

    • “La loi contre le tabagisme peut-elle justifier la non exploitation d’une marque ?” (Can the law against smoking justify the non-exploitation of a trademark?)

      Le Monde du Droit, March 3, 2016.

    • “Utilisation de la marque d'un concurrent à titre de mot-clé sur Google Adwords” (Use of a competitor's brand as a keyword on Google Adwords)

      Le Monde du Droit, July 10, 2015.

    • “La marque communautaire et l'autorité de la chose jugée” (Community trade mark and res judicata)

      Le Monde du Droit, December 3, 2014.

    • “De l'intérêt de protéger son logo indépendamment de son nom” (The importance of protecting your logo regardless of its name’s protection)

      Le Monde du Droit, September 22, 2014.

    • “Les apports et incertitudes de la Loi Hamon sur la protection des noms géographiques en droit des marques” (The contributions and uncertainties of the Hamon Law on the protection of geographical names in trademark law)

      Le Monde du Droit, April 22, 2014.

    • “Protection des marques françaises en Polynésie française” (Protection of French trademarks in French Polynesia)

      Le Monde du Droit, January 31, 2014.

    • “Stratégie de protection internationale des marques” (International brand protection strategy)

      Droit et Patrimoine, October 1999 No. 75.